Monday, November 01, 2010

Monday, December 21, 2009

I don't remember feeling so fed up before.....

Friday, September 18, 2009

Dear diary

I can't believe how much effort its taking these days to either update my blog, or log into facebook. I've changed so much these past few months. So much has changed and happened that I have to stop and take a breath at just how fast life is going. I would give my right arm to actually find the motivation to use the (never even tried!) home studio I saved up for and put into storage. I used to love writing music and singing. I always wanted to be appreciated for my music talents more than anything in the world. I did go places, and have been lucky enough in my past to have met some semi famous people, gone to some great places and almosted touched the hand of fame. I at least know what it must be like to be famous even though I never quite reached it.

At the moment I am desperate to loose some weight. I have tried hard to already, but alas, I still struggle to switch off the inner me that comfort eats from morning to night. That is my worst trait these days. I dont drink, well occationally. I do however smoke. I stopped for over a month with the help of the Stop Smoking Clinic who are great. But I foolishly had a stray cigarette and as most people will tell you, one leads to another and so on.

Having felt so bad the other day, the kind doctor has given me 2 weeks worth of patches. I will be stopping on Monday coming. I have learned that simply saying you are going to stop is NOT enough, and that one must MUST wait until your soul is ready. For instance, the last two success stories, have been like this. I have completely had enough of smoking and knew it was all or nothing and thus I stopped. But right at this moment in time I am not 100% commited. So I will give myself a couple of days.
As far as eating is concerned, I intend to plan this properly and find a fill in that will take the place of the food I crave from in truth, feeling low and lacking in self esteme. Its like a vicious circle.

At the moment my little one is at school and spends this weekend with her mum. So I am going to do a bit of painting around the house. A bit of spring cleaning and take the dog for a few long walks.

I'll leave it there as its enough to have actually written something for once. I have just noticed that I can now more or less touch type. I didn't even realise that I wasn't looking at the keyboard. Cool!!


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

At last

Today I recieved via a call, confirmation that I will obtain my degree come October. Must find me a cap n gown now. yeeeeear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 09, 2009


I finally got my Degree in Digital Media. Now its on to.....?

Saturday, January 17, 2009

So now I am in Print

Woke up this morning and found that my story had been put into print. The local paper have been really nice after I explained about my problem with the local council. I don't like my photo much but you can't have brains AND looks....can you?

Saturday, January 03, 2009

New Start

Its been quite a while since I wrote anything on my blog. In all honesty, life being life has simply not provided me the motivation required for this simplist task of typing a few words. But being a new year I am going to try and put a bit more effort and catch up on things.
Its about 7am right now and I've been up for a good hour or so.

I recently took a long hard look at my life. I'm overweight to the point now that it is causing part of my unhappiness with myself. I mean afterall, its not something anyone really wants to go through.I for one have certainly had enough of feeling fat, aching too quickly on long walks and waking up "still fat each day"
So, what have I done to sort this out. Well, I have been promicing myself that I would sort my bedroom out and put the treadmill down and start using it. But alas although my heart is in the right place, for so long this has been left to the realms of good intensions left on the back burner.
So I decided to investigate the concept of natural (because they are not harmful) diet pills and supliments.

So before Christmas having first bought, tried and been dissapointed with my first researched purchase, I changed and went further a field as in the more expensive and HIGHLY recommended ones.
Opera Winfry had a guest on her show a while back. He basically, came on to show the research etc that he had done on diet and research.
His resulting papers were amazing from all accounts. He found out the natural suppliments we need to sustain our fitness levels where food intake is concerns. I will edit this blog a little later as my little one has just woken up so I need to finish.

Anyway. As a quick end note. I started taking the world wide popular diet pills about a week ago. My initial weight was 19 stones and 11 pounds. Well, when I weighed myself yesterday, I now weigh 19 stones and 3 pounds.
The pills are called: LIPOVOX-TRI ACTIVE

The first ones I tried didn't work for me. They were called:metabolo Extreme

The Lipovox Tri Active really work!

Read the story here

Not only do they work but they ARE safe (research is my forte and something I pride myself as being very thorough in doing before undertaking anything in life)

Better go now. Am going to post my weekly results too, just to see how much I can loose in the hope to get back in shape and at the weight I know I should actually be. out in the summer for the new look Nick!! he he